Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Currently Reading...

At the moment I'm reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, which was recommended to me by my friend Alex (who is obsessed with the book and is now reading it for the 3rd time!) I'm about half way in and it's really interesting. You can tell Harkness has done her research into the topics involved in this book and eventhough it's supernatural- based it's not cheesy or, I guess I could say, unrealistic. There are very real elements to it and I love the historical references that she touches upon and how the magic and special abilities are all subtle (which I CANNOT STAND in this genre!!) I hate being bombarded by show- offs that can run at the speed of light and all that super- strength crap...subtly goes a long way people! (Atleast in my opinion anyway...) I eager to finish this book but I'm abit put- off by the length of the chapters (usually between 15- 25 pages long) so I'm finding myself halving them, which is making the book seem longer. Hmm... if that makes sense. Also, this story is set in Oxford and is making me seriously want to go there as it's not that far from me...over the summer perhaps? Will take Alex ofcourse, I think he may fizz his knickers if we go... haha! 

Crafts from a Ravenclaw

I found this blog through craftgawker.co.uk and I think it's really good, mainly due to the variety of crafts and media that Rachel carries out. It's made me want to pursue this blog even more! I particularly like how she summarises her crafting over the week too, I may have to utilise that idea, hehe- hope you don't mind Rachel?? This is will help me personally keep track of what I'm doing each week with my artwork, as the week's seem to fade into one another whilst at Uni.
Anyway, I hope whoever reads this checks Rachel's blog out!! 