Wednesday, 30 April 2014

"We Are All Insignificantly Infinite" by Kim Bellamy Artist

"We are all Insignificantly Infinite" 
Watercolour, graphite and thread on paper
By Kim Bellamy Artist

This piece came about after a conversation with my therapist. I was talking about how I feel very insignificant compared to my family and friends, how my life isn't going how I planned and how my mental health issues are weighing me down at this precarious time. 

I've always been out of sync with people.
I've always been 2 fashion trends behind, a season behind, always late for everything. And sometimes I feel like I'm so insignificant that I could just blow away.
The above title was penned by my therapist and it stuck with me so I had to create a visual art work from it.
The person in the bell jar is me.
Completely isolated from the rest of the world with only the infinity of space for company.
I think it is quite a romantised image of how I have been feeling lately; but I try to look at it from the angle of: if I hadn't ever of felt this way then I wouldn't have been able to create this artwork.

During my first year of Uni, I was consumed by my depression so now when I feel that way I try to think positively and productively. Creating artwork that surrounds this subject is highly personal to me and I was told by my favourite tutor (Alli) not to use my artwork as a type of therapy...sorry Alli but I've come full circle and it works for me.

Kim xx

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