Friday, 23 May 2014

Katy Perry: Prismatic Tour

Strange thing happened on 13th May...I randomly went to see Katy Perry...

Now, I'm not a fan of Katy's but I know some her more well known songs (you know the ones they repeat on the radio millions of times until it is engraved onto your brain, where there's no escape and your sanity is dissolving with each lyric being sung!!!!)...that's the reason why I don't listen to the radio anymore.

ANYWAY, my sister's 24th birthday was 13th May and her boyfriend bought her 2 tickets to see Katy Perry. Rob (Mellissa's boyfriend) lives in Scotland and was working that day so she invited me, which was nice of her. 

So I took some questionable photos of the show...mainly of the set and lights, because that's my thing ;)

I am happy to report that the show was fantastic, very creative and exciting and just quirky as I imagined a Katy Perry show to be.

Again, I apologise for the horrible photo quality...I'm changing my phone soon so hopefully they will be better!!

My one and only decent photo of Katy flying across the my least favourite wig of the show...typical

There was a birthday section at the end of the show- which was very fitting for Mellissa's birthday!
(Random dude's head in the way...grrr)

Dancing on candles...

And confetti to finish!!

Me and Mellissa


Love Kim xx

P.S. Mellissa loved the show so much that she went again the next night with her friends from the army :D

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