Friday, 23 May 2014

Katy Perry: Prismatic Tour

Strange thing happened on 13th May...I randomly went to see Katy Perry...

Now, I'm not a fan of Katy's but I know some her more well known songs (you know the ones they repeat on the radio millions of times until it is engraved onto your brain, where there's no escape and your sanity is dissolving with each lyric being sung!!!!)...that's the reason why I don't listen to the radio anymore.

ANYWAY, my sister's 24th birthday was 13th May and her boyfriend bought her 2 tickets to see Katy Perry. Rob (Mellissa's boyfriend) lives in Scotland and was working that day so she invited me, which was nice of her. 

So I took some questionable photos of the show...mainly of the set and lights, because that's my thing ;)

I am happy to report that the show was fantastic, very creative and exciting and just quirky as I imagined a Katy Perry show to be.

Again, I apologise for the horrible photo quality...I'm changing my phone soon so hopefully they will be better!!

My one and only decent photo of Katy flying across the my least favourite wig of the show...typical

There was a birthday section at the end of the show- which was very fitting for Mellissa's birthday!
(Random dude's head in the way...grrr)

Dancing on candles...

And confetti to finish!!

Me and Mellissa


Love Kim xx

P.S. Mellissa loved the show so much that she went again the next night with her friends from the army :D

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Filling the Void: Redditch Art Circle

As part of my quest to fulfill my need to further my art education (without breaking the bank) I joined a local art club called Redditch Art Circle. We meet the first Wednesday of every month and have visiting artists giving demonstrations and talks. It's fun to watch the pros in action and see first hand how they tackle a blank canvas. 

Now I must admit, the art is very commercial based and mainly landscapes, portraits or still lifes (very traditional art) but I believe there is always something to learn, even if the artwork isn't to your taste.

Last night we had an oil painting demonstration of a seascape by Roy Lang.

Here's Roy in action. Sorry it's not a very good photo I was at the back of the group.

After an hour of painting, this was how far Roy had go to. I love the rainbow clouds near the top of the work; the blending is amazing!
I've never worked in oil paint before. I seem to have this mental block about it only being used very thickly using a palette knife. I think of Van Gogh when I think of oil paint and eventhough his paintings of gorgeous and rich (obviously) I don't think I have the attention span for such a laborious medium. 

**You'll see in this blog how much a like to change my materials!**

It might sound weird, but I love taking photos, or note of an artist's palette...he made the top colours out of the little bottom colours!! I LOVE the greens, blues and purples! So pastely and delicate!

And this is the finished oil beautiful.
As may have guessed, I really enjoyed watching Roy work. It was a treat. And eventhough I probably won't ever paint seascapes (because I'm not interested enough to paint them) I still learnt a thing or too- like how to paint those delicate rainbow clouds that I love so much; that base colours are just as important as the colours that go on the top of the painting; that oil paint can be applied thinly and still have that vibrancy; and finally, that you don't need mega expensive brushes to create certain strokes- which I knew anyway but it's always nice to have that confirmation from a professional. 

Redditch Art Circle:

Thanks for reading!

Kim xx

Sorry I've not posted in the last week, my internet has been down. So I will hopefully have the technical difficulties sorted by today...if the Sky people turn up!

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

"We Are All Insignificantly Infinite" by Kim Bellamy Artist

"We are all Insignificantly Infinite" 
Watercolour, graphite and thread on paper
By Kim Bellamy Artist

This piece came about after a conversation with my therapist. I was talking about how I feel very insignificant compared to my family and friends, how my life isn't going how I planned and how my mental health issues are weighing me down at this precarious time. 

I've always been out of sync with people.
I've always been 2 fashion trends behind, a season behind, always late for everything. And sometimes I feel like I'm so insignificant that I could just blow away.
The above title was penned by my therapist and it stuck with me so I had to create a visual art work from it.
The person in the bell jar is me.
Completely isolated from the rest of the world with only the infinity of space for company.
I think it is quite a romantised image of how I have been feeling lately; but I try to look at it from the angle of: if I hadn't ever of felt this way then I wouldn't have been able to create this artwork.

During my first year of Uni, I was consumed by my depression so now when I feel that way I try to think positively and productively. Creating artwork that surrounds this subject is highly personal to me and I was told by my favourite tutor (Alli) not to use my artwork as a type of therapy...sorry Alli but I've come full circle and it works for me.

Kim xx

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Weekly Likes...


Pattern Therapy
Gouache and graphite on paper
by Kim Bellamy

Cranium Fog (detail- post coming soon)
Burning tool on paper
By Kim Bellamy
(sorry about the picture quality)

Work in Progress


Butterfly cross- stitch free gift from cross- stitch magazine.
On soluable canvas...looking forward to seeing it dissolve.
I'm going to make it into a clasp purse for my sister's birthday present.

(I can't get the underline to not annoying...must be a gliche)

Anyway, I'm crocheting my friend Emma a heart motif blanket in black and red squares.
Her birthday is 10th May and I've only done 5 squares...don't think I'm going to make it for her birthday but I'm plowing on.


I went charity shopping recently and found a couple of the Goosebumps books- a huge nostalgic kick in the heart made me buy them and devour them immediately...***

I Live in Your Basement...****

The Accident

Point Horror are basically the teen edition to Goosebumps. I have a couple of these on my shelf too.
The Accident...***

I'm currently reading The Farm and it's quite interesting, especially since one of the sisters in Autistic. As I was browsing Amazon for this link I discovered that there is a sequel... The Lair and a prequel...The Before. I'm not far enough in the book at the moment to judge whether I will be picking up these two, but we'll see. It's always nice to discover there are other books to devour if you like the book you're currently reading.

The Before

Aswell as The Farm I am also reading this GORGEOUS edition of Pride and Prejudice! Look at it! And would you believe I got this for free from a charity shop because I bought so many books! BARGAIN!! There's not a scratch on it. 
I watched the BBC series with my friend Emma, who is a massive classic fiction fan, and now I'm picking up the book. I feel more confident about reading the book now because I know the story. So if I get lost in the complicated dialogue I can relate back to the television series to work out where I am. 
I've only read the first 30 pages because I only started it last night but I'm really liking it so far.


The Usual Suspects (1995) Poster

Forgive me...This week was the first time I watched this film.
Kevin Spacey is sooooo good at these types of characters...really made me want to watch American Beauty- one of my all time favourite films! 
I found this film a little confusing at the beginning but it all panned out in the end.


The East (2013) Poster

Loved...loved...LOVED this film! And a big plus for me is that it's got Alexander Skarsgard and Ellen Page in...two of my favourite actors! I love the contrasts in this film, from strict spies to hippy loving activists. 
This film made me really want to travel and join a love cult...sounds dodgy I know but watch's brilliant!!


An American Crime (2007) Poster

I've been on an Ellen Page high this week and watched one of her more obscure films, An American Crime. This film was based on true events and OMG I was glued to the screen. I can't believe the brutality of some people....sad film.


Hard Candy (2005) Poster

One of my favourite films by Ellen Page has to be Hard Candy. It seems to be a love it/ hate it kind of film but I love it! Ellen plays this psycho roll flawlessly and I have to give Patrick Wilson (another favourite of mine) a HUGE round of applause; his terror is so convincing that most of the time I'm wandering if he even knew in the script what was going to happen...if that makes sense?


American History X (1998) Poster

Another film I should've seen years ago...American History X. Edward Norton (for me) was such a strange choice for this type of character but bloody hell does he deliver in this! I found this a little trying with the amount of swearing there was in this film...I'd be interested to see if anybody has ever counted them- it's up in the hundreds I'm sure. I found this a little bit predictable and some of the characters one dimensional but the way it was delivered was awesome.

*** (because of all the grating f- bombs...they wore me down by the end of the film)

Kick-Ass (2010) Poster

I wanted to watch Kick- Ass 2 but thought I'd better refresh my memory with Kick- Ass first. And I was happy to discover how I'd forgotten how awesome this film is! 

So onto Kick- Ass 2 as soon as possible!!!



I mentioned these in my Pattern Therapy post so they deserved to be glorified by my questionable photography skills...

My precious-eses....

I sometimes babysit for my Mom's friend and the little boy (Alec) is basically my child. He loves the same films as me, loves to draw like me and could talk for England (like me- if you haven't noticed my rambling...).
One of mine and Alec's favourite films to watch when we get together is Coraline so he decided to draw me a picture of her.

Sigh...the 5 year old talent...

For my sister's boyfriend's birthday we went to an ice cream parlour in Stratford- upon- Avon called Hooray's:

 36 flavours of ice cream

In a vintage style cafe with my family...

Dad eating a forraro roche sundae

Little brother Carl (my brothers are twins but for some reason I didn't take a photo of Jake. But since they're identical if you've seen one you've seen the other :) )

Little sister Melissa eating rasberry waffles!

I didn't take a photo of my Mom but she was there tucking into a strawberry crepe.
Close up of Rob's (birthday boy) strawberry waffles. He hates his photo being taken.

And I had...

Calories were killed....obviously... but it was bloody worth it!!

Right I think I'm done.
Pretty long winded AGAIN and with some technical difficulties.
Hope you enjoyed!

Kim xx

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Filling the Void: Magazines

After finishing University I remember feeling this huge void. The void being not having stimulating lectures or tutorials or feedback to keep me excited and motivated about my work. I started to hunt around the internet for a void- filler and I found it with art blogs, art/ craft clubs and magazines!


I don't know about you but I love having something to follow and catch up on and that's why I found magazines stimulating. I love looking forward to the beginning of each month because I know my 3 favourite magazines are due to hit the shelves.

The magazines I collect are:

Inside Crochet

Last April I joined a Knitter Knatter group (hereby called Knitting Club) with the intention of learning to crochet. I learnt how to knit during my first year of University, so as a result everybody for Christmas that year received a nattily knitted scarf. (I knit my Nan a very nice pink scarf -in my opinion- and later in the year, when she was gutting out her wardrobe, I was given it back with a pile of her old clothes...hmmm...) Anyway, I never really got excited about knitting. In my eyes I found it very limiting with basically only 2 stitches to create other just didn't get me bouncing off the walls. So when I joined Knitting Club I wanted to learn to crochet. And I did! And I've been hooked (ahhh the bad puns have begun) ever since!!

I will post some pictures of the crocheted items I have made so far soon.

So when I found a crochet magazine (!!) dear lord was I excited and immediately started completing pattern after pattern.

I highly recommend Inside Crochet, not just for the patterns but for the articles aswell. I read it  from cover to cover when I get it; and eventhough it's £4.99 a month I feel it is well worth it because of the amount of enjoyment that I get from this craft!

The Artist

Continuing on with the theme of clubs I also attend an art club every first Wednesday of the month called Art Circle. Now, yes it is attended mainly by old gentlemen and ladies (it seems that youngsters aren't interested in art where I come from- shame) and I am the youngest member but it is well worth the £20 a year membership fee because we have lecturing artists and demonstrators. This club fulfills my lecture addiction that I developed from University and introduces me to new techniques and ideas. It's loads of fun and through this club I found out about a pop- up gallery that is being set up in my local shopping center; which I am going to be exhibiting at in the middle of May.

I will post pictures of this pop- up gallery when it happens.

So the main outlook I gained from this art club is The Artist magazine. I've always known there were artist magazines out there (and quite afew of them too) but I hadn't picked up this particular one before, but once I did it became another cover- to- cover read for me for the month and I always look forward to the mass of information it contains. A plus for me, about this magazine, is that it advertises art fairs and days out and more importantly exhibition and competition opportunities.

Cross- Stitcher 

Ever since I was a little girl I've always loved cross- stitching and stitching in general. I learnt to cross- stitch in First School and it has always stuck with; it's found it's way into my artwork many times.

I absolutely love the process of stitching and creating something one thread at a time; I find it very therapeutic. Recently stitching has shimmied it's way back into my art practice, which I love, but sometimes I just want to, as I call it, mindlessly stitch. This comes in the form of already premeditated cross- stitch patterns so I can just follow somebody else's pattern instead of making my own. This way I am still being creatively productive but can switch off and watch a film at the same time.

I am always disappointed when I go to Hobbycraft because some of the cross- stitch kits they have in there are so gorgeous but soooooo expensive... sad times. So when I found Cross- Stitcher I was happy to find an affordable way to create quirky cross- stitch patterns. A big bonus with this magazine is that you get a free gift with each issue! With this issue (which is the latest one) I got a free butterfly clasp purse pattern which my sister has her eye on for her win!

If I start collecting any other magazines I will be sure to make a post about them but for now I am very happy with my stock of creative void fillers :D

Kim xx

Sunday, 20 April 2014

"Pattern Therapy" by Kim Bellamy Artist

Pattern Therapy by Kim Bellamy Artist
Graphite and gouache paint on paper

I completed this painting earlier today in my new favourite painting media: GOUACHE! I'm a huge lover of watercolour paint so when I snapped up these beauties from The Works for really cheap I was happy to discover they are basically a watercolour and acrylic hybrid. I'm probably rambling on about a medium that has been thoroughly explored by other artists; but this is my first go with them...and it won't be my last! 

These piece came into existence when I was stressed out one day and I've found in the past that doing repetitive movements (whether it be crochet, stitching, doodling or knitting) calm me down and give me something to focus on. If I draw to de- tense myself the drawings usually just stay in the sketchbook I was working in but I loved how this triangle pattern evolved so I used it as an excuse to experiment with my new paints and low and behold Pattern Therapy was born!

Now considering I've filled my world with art ever since I was small I have realised that I don't have a natural talent for colour schemes. At one point I was like...this is ugly....but I carried on and I think I quite like the final colours together. I'm still not a master with colour (and probably won't ever be) but the important thing is that I'm okay with that. Others wouldn't be, I know, but I worry about so much other crap that when it comes to art I allow myself to make mistakes and push on...because, let's face it, I'm the one who gets to decide what I show people.

MWHAHAHA! I'm the master of my own arty universe...truer words were never spoken!

Anyway, let me know what you think and I'll be posting more art soon!

Kim xx

Top Books of 2013! (Hugely late I know but lets go with it...)

I know, I know, you're thinking duuuuhhhh it's 2014 Kim, what's going on?!

But as you can see I haven't posted in a VERY long time so thought I would kick off the celebrations by posting about something I'm very passionate about...BOOKS!

So here's my list (in no particular order):

The White Queen by Phillippa Gregory

Such an amazing book...amazing series...amazing tv show! I need more! They're complicated in the sense that it seems that  in this time in history the only names available for men were Edward, Henry or Richard but you get used it but the drama and family dynamic are so intricate that sometimes I can't believe this is even true English history... at it's greatest I might add. I was so proud to be an English woman after reading these books...amazing!

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

I know, I know, I jumped on the mass-hoosive band wagon that is The Fault in Our Stars but dear god if you haven't read this then GET ON IT! That's an order! You will not be disappointed, I promise you. Despite this being a fantastic story in itself, this book holds a personal tingly place in my heart because the main guy in this book (Augustus Waters) reminds me of a very dear friend of mine- the spitting "personality- image". I know that statement won't mean anything to anybody but to me it physically hurts to read this book because of this fact. Gorgeous book...

I am also re-reading this in the very near future before I go see the film...I hope it does the book justice...sigh...

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Again, you're probably thinking "god Kim, can't you read anything original??" But alas, I was practically forced to read The Hunger Games trilogy and I'm ashamed to say, after all my kicking and screaming, that I caved and guiltly enjoyed them (apart from the last book Mockingjay. I nearly threw myself out the window after that but got the ending I was looking for.) So far this book is also my favourite film too...cried at about 13 different parts when I went with my friend to go see it at the cinema...I'm not ashamed.

The Duff: Designated Ugly Fat Friend by Jody Keplinger

Now, I listened to this as an audio book (which I highly recommend, the reader was fantastic- I had an account when I got this ironic beauty). I'm not one for whiney teenage problemy type books but the main girl in this gem was so sarcastic and fiesty and witty that I loved her instantly. She really helps the book step over that crappy teenage line and turns it into something very entertaining; but also has a sprinkling of a "learn to love yourself" likey alot!

Lady of the Shades by Darren Shan

DAMN! This was a good book! A complete surprise too, which is always nice, let's face it. I picked this up from my library as an audio book and I was hooked from the very first chapter. I seriously remember at one point saying "how can Darren Shan add anymore twists and turns to this?? There's still like 5 cds to go!" And oh my god, did he deliver! Again, another intricate plot line, with layers and layers of goodness and climactic moments. This book is an adult book of Darren's that just kept pushing the plot line further and further. Such a talented writer! I'm definitely keeping my eyes out for more of his adult books!

Gilt by Katherine Longshore


After reading The White Queen series (also known as The Cousins War) I was on a major historical fiction high, particularly around the Tudor period and the War of the Roses. So I was lucky enough to spot this jewel at my library and again, absolutely fantastic! When authors write about the Tudor times they often focus on Henry the 8th and Anne Boleyn (which I agree are a very interesting couple). But what I enjoyed about Katherine Longshore's approach was that she focused on Catherine Howard, Henry the 8th's 5th wife. I have never come across a book based around this obscure wife so it was a complete surprise and I loved it! I loved it so much that I'm hunting for the prequel to this book Tarnish- pictured below- (which is about Anne Boleyn if I'm not mistaken) in book shops but it's looking like I'm going to have to order it from London. I vow I will own both of these books!

(As I was writing this lengthy post -sorry- I bought Gilt and Tarnish and also pre- ordered Brazen that comes out 8th May- woo hoo! Soooo excited!!)

The Immortal Circus and The Immortal Circus: Act Two by A. R. Kahler

These two books also took me by surprise! Free impulse buy on my Kindle which combined the circus, magic, a murder mystery and oh my god the costumes!  (...I find that when I'm sad I turn to my Kindle for comfort and download a good amount of free books from their online store until I start feeling better again- little tip for you ;) ) I blazed through the first book, immediately bought the second book, smashed through that, went to buy the third and final book...but found out I had to wait until sometime in early 2014 :(
But it is out now! Yay! So once I have received afew more pay cheques and read through afew more books on my shelf I shall pur- chase this bad boy and let the good times roll!

The Immortal Circus: Act Three by A.R. Kahler

You will be mine!!!!!!

So yes, these were my favourite books I read in 2013 and will be making another list for 2014 next year so I hope you look forward to that.

If you have any comments about any of the books I've read or would like to read or would just like to discuss books, whatever you fancy, I'd like to hear from you.

Ah...reading therapy...mmmm...
